North Bay Regional Conservation Investment Strategy Data Tool

The Regional Conservation Investment Strategy (RCIS) for the North Bay region presents a holistic vision for conservation in a region rich in cultural and natural values. The Metropolitan Transportation Commission, San Francisco Estuary Partnership, Sonoma County Transportation Authority, and Environmental Science Associates worked in partnership with stakeholders to develop the RCIS, and this page provides easy, searchable access to all the Actions recommended by the RCIS. Read more about that RCIS.

RCIS Layers
Greenprint Reference Layers

Step 1
Project Type

Step 2
Point and Buffer

Place a marker by clicking the map or by entering latitude and longitude, then set the buffer distance for your project area. Once the marker is placed on the map, you can drag it to improve the location.

Latitude & Longitude:


Step 2
Line and Buffer

Zoom to your desired location on the map, then draw a line. Click the last point to finish drawing. Then set the buffer distance for your project area.


Step 2
Drawn Shape

Zoom to your desired location on the map, then draw an area by clicking points. Click your first point to close the shape.

Step 2
Uploaded Shape

Upload a ESRI Shapefile or a GeoJSON file containing a single polygon/multipolygon feature, and it will be drawn on the map.

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The RCIS includes detailed recommendations for about 150 actions that land managers, researchers, agencies, funders, and others can support to realize the goals and objectives articulated in the final RCIS document. This web application supports the full RCIS document by allowing you to search Actions by theme as well as by project geography. Browse all actions, filter by one or more themes, and/or add a project or other location filter to find the most relevant actions.

How to find recommended actions

Select one or more themes to find Actions that are most relevant to your work and interests. Actions matching any selected theme will be shown in the list.



To read term definitions, visit the Glossary


Conservation Elements

To read term definitions, visit the Glossary

Actions to Support the Regional Conservation Investment Strategy

Showing out of matching .

Detailed RCIS Data

The RCIS includes habitat protection targets for 20 conservation elements, including individual species, habitats/land types, and attributes like connectivity. This table shows how many acres of each element is in your area, what portion of your area those acres represent, and what portion of the total acres for each element are present n your area. This can help show when an element is predominant in an area, but also when a small amount in one area might be regionally important.

Present in Your Area

Conservation Element Acres in Area Portion of Your Area Portion of all CE Area Map

Absent in Your Area

Conservation Element Map

Known Local Habitat and Restoration Projects

Projects from the SFEI EcoAtlas Project Tracker (within 1 mile)

    Project data is from the San Francisco Estuary Institute's EcoAtlas Project tracker. California Wetlands Monitoring Workgroup (CWMW). EcoAtlas data updated daily, To report missing or erroneous project data, contact EcoAtlas managers at

    Map Layer

    Bay Area Greenprint Reference Data

    Who owns or manages land near this area?

    Entities that own or manage public lands can be potential partners on projects such as habitat restoration. These agencies own land within 1 mile of the area of interest:

      How much of this area is protected?

      XXX% of this area is protected by fee title.

      XXX% of this area is protected by easement.

      Map Layers

      How important is this area for Bay Area habitat conservation?


      acres of land in the Conservation Lands Network


      of which are protected or publicly owned (see Pathways to 30x30 for the definition of 30x30 Conserved Lands)

      The Conservation Lands Network (CLN) is a conservation strategy for the San Francisco Bay Area. It is made up of the lands that, if protected from development, can preserve the Bay Area's biodiversity into the future. It was designed with principles aligned with the 30x30 biodiversity conservation priorities such as representation, rarity, connectedness, and endemism.

      Map Layer

      Is this area important for climate adaptation?

      Maintaining and enhancing habitat connectivity will make plants and animals better track change in suitable climate.

      XXX acres of land are within a climate migration route connecting current climate conditions to similar climates in the future.

      Estuarine wetlands will need room to migrate inland as sea levels rise. Estuarine migration space is undeveloped uplands that are projected to become tidal with sea level rise. Migration space will need to be conserved, restored, and/or managed for tidal marshes and other bay habitats to move inland as sea level rises. These habitat types, and particularly marshes, provide multiple benefits to people, including enhancing shoreline resilience, improving water quality, and sequestering carbon.

      Up to XXX acres in this area could be potential future habitat for coastal marsh migration.

      Map Layers

      How often is this area included in Bay Area habitat plans?

      Parts of this area were prioritized for conservation in XXX local plans we surveyed.

      The Bay Area has an active and engaged conservation community with many local and regional planning efforts that highlight regional priorities. Conservation actions in some areas can support multiple efforts. Note that these are distinct from the plan reviewed for the North Bay RCIS. To review those plans, see Appendix G of the full RCIS document.

      Map Layer